End of Year Performances

Yearly snapshots of Baymard’s UX benchmarks all the way back through 2012

Return to the overview to see the latest benchmark and a list of all case studies.

E-Commerce Performances anno 2021

Biggest changes since 2020: new performances for ‘Mobile Web’, ‘Customer Accounts’, ‘Cart & Checkout’, ‘On-Site Search’, and ‘Product Page.’


E-Commerce Performances anno 2020

Biggest changes since 2019: an entirely new set of ‘Mobile E-Commerce’ guidelines, new performances for ‘Homepage & Category’ and ‘Product Lists & Filtering’, and the ‘Accounts & Self Service’ theme being split into ‘Customer Accounts’ and ‘Order Tracking & Returns.’


E-Commerce Performances anno 2019

Biggest changes since 2018: an entirely new set of ‘Accounts & Self-Service’ guidelines, and new performances for ‘Cart & Checkout’, ‘On-Site Search’, and ‘Product Page’.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2018

Biggest changes since 2017: new performances for ‘Homepage & Category’ and ‘Product Lists & Filtering’.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2017

Biggest changes since 2016: with an entirely new set of ‘Product Details Page’ guidelines, the full e-commerce experience is now covered, enabling ‘Overall UX Performance’ evaluations. New performances for ‘On-Site Search’ were also added.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2016

Biggest changes since 2015: 10 major European e-commerce sites were benchmarked across all themes, and an entirely new set of ‘Cart & Checkout’ guidelines were added, along with new performances ‘Homepage & Category.’


E-Commerce Performances anno 2015

Biggest changes since 2014: entirely new sets of guidelines for ‘Mobile E-Commerce’ and ‘Product Lists & Filtering’.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2014

Biggest changes since 2013: an entirely new set ‘On-Site Search’ guidelines.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2013

Biggest changes since 2012: an entirely new set ‘Homepage & Category’ guidelines.


E-Commerce Performances anno 2012

The very first benchmark performed by Baymard Institute, reviewing the ‘Checkout Process.’