Rebecca Hugo

Senior UX Auditor, UK

Rebecca is a senior UX auditor at Baymard since 2018. She has been a part of over 100 audit projects, from Apparel and Accessories to Online Grocery. She also specialize in Cart & Checkout UX and Site-Wide Design and Interaction. She has worked in ecommerce since 2013 and UX specifically since 2016. She's an ardent speaker at UX and CRO conferences.

Rebecca Hugo is a Research Specialist in:

  • Cart & Checkout UX

Conferences Rebecca Hugo has spoken at:

  • E-Commerce Day — Shoppers Mind (Slovenia) 2019
  • GPeC Romania 2021
  • Amazon Pay (webinar) 2022
  • eCommerce Conference (Boussais events, Athens, virtual) 2022
  • Turum Burum Conference 2022
  • Buy With Prime (Amazon webinar) 2023
  • eCommerce Conference (Boussais events, Athens) 2023
  • eCommerce Conference (Boussais events, Athens) 2024
  • Boozt 2024

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