This is a case study of H&M’s ecommerce user experience (UX) performance. It’s based on an exhaustive performance review of 897 design elements. 256 other sites have also been benchmarked for a complete picture of the ecommerce UX landscape.
H&M’s overall ecommerce UX performance is xxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xx xxxx xx-xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx, xxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx & xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Upgrade to access H&M’s case study.
First benchmarked in September 2016, and reviewed 22 times since then, most recently in July 2024.
H&M’s UX Performance upgrade
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To learn how we calculate our performance scores and read up on our evaluation criteria and scoring algorithm head over to our Methodology page.
33 pages of H&M’s ecommerce site, marked up with 232 best practice examples:
32 pages of H&M’s ecommerce site, marked up with 248 best practice examples:
23 pages of H&M’s ecommerce site, marked up with 239 best practice examples:
Every week, we publish a new article on how to build “state of the art” ecommerce experiences — here’s 5 popular ones:
Drop-Down Usability: When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Use Them
Format the “Expiration Date” Fields Exactly the Same as the Physical Credit Card (72% Don’t)
PDP UX: Core Product Content Is Overlooked in ‘Horizontal Tabs’ Layouts (Yet 28% of Sites Have This Layout)
Form Field Usability: Avoid Extensive Multicolumn Layouts (16% Make This Form Usability Mistake)
Form Usability: Getting ‘Address Line 2’ Right
See all 415 articles in the full public archive.