
Jysk UX Case Study

This is a case study of Jysk’s ecommerce user experience (UX) performance. It’s based on an exhaustive performance review of 504 design elements. 256 other sites have also been benchmarked for a complete picture of the ecommerce UX landscape.

Jysk’s overall ecommerce UX performance is xxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xx xxxx xx-xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx, xxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx & xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Upgrade to access Jysk’s case study.

First benchmarked in January 2025.

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Jysk’s UX Performance upgrade

Performance Chart Example screenshot

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Example performance chart

To learn how we calculate our performance scores and read up on our evaluation criteria and scoring algorithm head over to our Methodology page.

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