
Thermo Fisher’s E-Commerce UX

This is a case study of Thermo Fisher’s e-commerce user experience (UX) performance. It’s based on an exhaustive performance review of 500 design elements. 249 other sites have also been benchmarked for a complete picture of the e-commerce UX landscape.

Thermo Fisher’s overall e-commerce UX performance is poor. Their UX is especially thwarted by usability issues related to broken Cart & Checkout, broken Customer Accounts, and poor Product Page performances.

First benchmarked in January 2021 and reviewed once in October 2022.


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Overall UX Performance

500 Guidelines · Performance:

Desktop Web

296 Guidelines · Performance:

Homepage & Category

31 Guidelines · Performance:

On-Site Search

32 Guidelines · Performance:

Product Lists & Filtering

53 Guidelines · Performance:

Product Page

48 Guidelines · Performance:

Cart & Checkout

106 Guidelines · Performance:

Customer Accounts

26 Guidelines · Performance:

Mobile Web

204 Guidelines · Performance:

138 Major E-Commerce Sites
CompareWhat’s This?

To learn how we calculate our performance scores and read up on our evaluation criteria and scoring algorithm head over to our Methodology page.

The scatterplot you see above is the free version we make public to all our users. If you wish to dive deeper and learn about each guideline and even review your own site you’ll need to get premium access.